Stories from the hard streets and sweet spots of Baltimore

Dan Rodricks has been a columnist with the Baltimore Sun for over 46 years. He has also worked as a local broadcast radio host, public radio interviewer, morning television personality, podcaster and author of three books. Most recently, Rodricks has written, produced and performed two original plays based on his columns. “Baltimore, You Have No Idea” and “Baltimore Docket” are multimedia stage productions that sold out all 21 performances since 2022.

“I LOVED ‘Baltimore, You Have No Idea’! You are a consummate performer and storyteller. Your deep love of Baltimore in all its glory shines through.”
— Vincent M. Lancisi, Founder, Artistic Director, Everyman Theatre

“Vintage Dan Rodricks — funny, poignant, important.”
— Mike Ricigliano (Ricig the cartoonist)

“Dan Rodricks’ love letter to his adopted city.”
— Max Garner, MD Theatre Guide Review

Best Playwright: Dan Rodricks
Baltimore Magazine’s Best of Baltimore, 2024

“Just because you can write a column doesn’t mean you can write a play, let alone act in one. Well, turns out the Baltimore Sun’s longtime columnist Dan Rodricks can do it all” with the playwright presiding over the proceedings “like some larger-than-life Jimmy Breslin.”

Baltimore Magazine, Best of Baltimore, 2024

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